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Number of Shorebird Solar, Marina Point Neighborhood Houses Sold, Oct 31, 2024

A quick estimate of how active the Shorebird Solar, Marina Point real estate market is can be found by looking at the number of houses sold. Locally there is a strong seasonal change in the number of houses sold. The lowest number of houses sold typically occurs around December & January. The highest number of houses sold typically occurs around May. Price changes do not track the seasonal change in the number of houses sold.

Graph of the Quarterly Number of Sales vs. Price Per SqFt for Shorebird Solar, Marina Point Houes Sold

Quarterly Number of Sales & Price Per SqFt for Shorebird Solar, Marina Point Houses Sold

Information From https://julianalee.com/redwood-shores/shorebird-solar-marina-point-statistics.htm

Palo Alto Real Estate Agent Juliana Lee

Juliana Lee MBA LLB
