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Building New Homes In Woodside

New Woodside Homes Sales Trends

New Woodside Homes - Sales History and Values

The often asked question is how much more is a new home worth than an older home. I've plotted a history of homes which were described as zero years old when they were sold. The graph above shows how much more the home sold for than when it was previously purchased. To make the graph more useful, the increased value of the new home is shown in dollars per square foot.

If you are considering building a new home in Woodside, you can compare your expected building cost to the above graph and estimate if your new home will be worth more than it costs you to build it.

Data for new Woodside home sales history and values.

New homes in Woodside
  MLS sales records are searched from 1998 until now, for homes with a reported age of 0.
  If the previous sales price is found, the sales history is reported below:

4887 sqft     apn: 069-250-430     Greenways
$1329 increase per sqft     2024-10 : $10495000     2000-03 : $4000000     

12078 sqft     apn: 072-201-080     Mountain Home
$1300 increase per sqft     2021-06 : $28200000     2015-06 : $12500000     

1880 sqft     apn: 075-035-090     Skywood
$100 increase per sqft     2021-05 : $2037259     2019-08 : $1850000     

3260 sqft     apn: 068-283-410     Glen
$1193 increase per sqft     2020-10 : $5100000     2003-12 : $1210000     

2300 sqft     apn: 067-021-130     Purisima
$0 increase per sqft     2018-10 : $1280000     2018-10 : $1280000     

6500 sqft     apn: 073-101-090     Dean
$1238 increase per sqft     2018-06 : $9995000     2013-01 : $1950000     

2500 sqft     apn: 073-050-050     Otis
$590 increase per sqft     2017-11 : $2925000     2014-04 : $1450000     

1100 sqft     apn: 068-232-330     Southview
$0 increase per sqft     2017-11 : $1480000     2017-11 : $1480000     

6350 sqft     apn: 075-321-180     Starwood
$71 increase per sqft     2017-10 : $2600000     2000-06 : $2150000     

2418 sqft     apn: 075-162-150     Skylonda
$432 increase per sqft     2017-08 : $1695001     2000-03 : $651000     

5279 sqft     apn: 068-110-130     West Maple Way
$801 increase per sqft     2017-07 : $5400000     2008-07 : $1170000     

5279 sqft     apn: 068-110-130     Maple
$801 increase per sqft     2017-07 : $5400000     2008-07 : $1170000     

3500 sqft     apn: 075-292-080     Phillip
$1529 increase per sqft     2017-05 : $8200000     2011-06 : $2850000     

2681 sqft     apn: 067-230-290     Skyline
$0 increase per sqft     2017-04 : $1782000     2017-04 : $1782000     

1730 sqft     apn: 067-167-340     Creek
$221 increase per sqft     2017-02 : $1232000     2000-06 : $850000     

1730 sqft     apn: 067-167-340     Creek
$221 increase per sqft     2017-02 : $1232000     2000-06 : $850000     

1200 sqft     apn: 075-161-150     Skylonda
$312 increase per sqft     2016-11 : $975000     2004-01 : $600000     

5461 sqft     apn: 072-023-020     Marva Oaks
$0 increase per sqft     2016-09 : $4400000     2016-09 : $4400000     

2775 sqft     apn: 067-201-130     Swett
$0 increase per sqft     2016-06 : $2150000     2016-05 : $2150000     

16800 sqft     apn: 072-201-140     Mountain Wood
$744 increase per sqft     2016-04 : $14998000     2001-10 : $2500000     

2770 sqft     apn: 069-241-080     Ward
$0 increase per sqft     2016-02 : $1650000     2016-02 : $1650000     

2770 sqft     apn: 069-241-080     Ward
$0 increase per sqft     2016-02 : $1650000     2016-02 : $1650000     

8639 sqft     apn: 073-090-590     Whiskey Hill Rd
$0 increase per sqft     2015-06 : $13990000     2015-05 : $13990000     

9100 sqft     apn: 072-222-120     Manzanita
$719 increase per sqft     2014-07 : $9850000     2012-02 : $3309500     

3397 sqft     apn: 067-183-080     Skyline
$0 increase per sqft     2014-07 : $1150000     2014-07 : $1150000     

2416 sqft     apn: 067-166-190     Huckleberry
$0 increase per sqft     2014-03 : $865000     2014-02 : $865000     

2416 sqft     apn: 067-166-190     Huckleberry
$0 increase per sqft     2014-03 : $865000     2014-02 : $865000     

2036 sqft     apn: 078-280-070     La Honda
$8 increase per sqft     2014-03 : $665000     2000-03 : $649000     

5330 sqft     apn: 067-080-160     Henrik Ibsen Park
$0 increase per sqft     2013-09 : $1349000     2013-09 : $1349000     

2952 sqft     apn: 073-033-070     Glenwood
$764 increase per sqft     2013-04 : $3450000     2011-09 : $1195000     

3558 sqft     apn: 072-172-040     Woodside
$408 increase per sqft     2013-02 : $2675000     2003-06 : $1225000     

2400 sqft     apn: 075-092-030     Redland
$-67 increase per sqft     2012-07 : $835000     2000-07 : $995000     

2600 sqft     apn: 068-283-520     West California
$0 increase per sqft     2012-03 : $1900000     2012-03 : $1900000     

3230 sqft     apn: 072-332-090     Skyline
$0 increase per sqft     2011-05 : $1150000     2011-05 : $1150000     

2300 sqft     apn: 068-283-570     California
$0 increase per sqft     2011-03 : $1900000     2011-03 : $1900000     

4150 sqft     apn: 069-170-290     Oak Haven
$0 increase per sqft     2011-02 : $1600000     2011-02 : $1600000     

4150 sqft     apn: 069-170-290     Oak Haven
$0 increase per sqft     2011-02 : $1600000     2011-02 : $1600000     

4200 sqft     apn: 072-151-110     Miramontes
$721 increase per sqft     2009-05 : $5100000     2003-05 : $2070000     

4862 sqft     apn: 072-071-050     Patrol
$0 increase per sqft     2008-04 : $4450000     2008-04 : $4450000     

1670 sqft     apn: 068-293-040     Woodside
$0 increase per sqft     2006-01 : $925000     2006-01 : $925000     

2275 sqft     apn: 067-060-450     Old Ranch Road
$0 increase per sqft     2005-03 : $1250000     2005-03 : $1250000     

2275 sqft     apn: 067-060-450     Old Ranch Road
$0 increase per sqft     2005-03 : $1250000     2005-03 : $1250000     

1200 sqft     apn: 075-161-150     Skylonda
$0 increase per sqft     2003-12 : $600000     2004-01 : $600000     

4000 sqft     apn: 075-112-030     La Honda
$0 increase per sqft     2001-06 : $1935000     2001-06 : $1935000