DRE: 00851314
DRE: 01951707
DRE: 02115990
DRE: 02062850
DRE: 01867791
No matter whether you are buying or selling a home, each of the desires listed above is best fulfilled by a real estate agent with experience, knowledge, passion, and connections to get things done. A top real estate agent has excelled at all of these in order to become a top real estate agent. She makes great things happen for you!
Awards ceremony 2015
Awards ceremony 2014
Awards ceremony 2013
We work as a team of specialists. If you choose to work with me, the number 1 real estate agent at KW, you will get the support of six licensed agents and of my assistants and team members not shown. We make great things happen for you!
If you want a top real estate agent, a number one real estate agent nationwide at Keller Williams, call Juliana Lee (me) at my cell phone 650-857-1000
According to local multiple listing service records there were 9,851 agents who sold at least 1 home in either Santa Clara County or San Mateo County during 2015. However the average number of sales for the lowest ranking 4,925 agents was 1.3 sales for the entire year! You want to work with a top agent who has a lot of experience, knowledge, and connections in Silicon Valley.
Juliana Lee completed 102 sales vs. ...
92% of all agents sold less than one house per month. Only 20 agents in Silicon Valley or 0.15% of the agents sold at least one house per week. I sold 102 houses that year.
If you are a buyer, there are even fewer choices. Many top ranked real estate agents only work with sellers. I work with both buyers and sellers.
I was just asked if I had the same top agent ranking as in 2015. Yes! I've been one of the top 5 agents (out of about 10,000) for each of the last 3 years: 2015, 2016, 2017. What has changed is that a Fremont agent and a San Jose agent have pushed a couple top agents out of the top 5. This is consistent with the growth in sales in less expensive areas vs. areas near Google & Facebook, at the center of Silicon Valley.
20 agents sold at least 52 homes
145 agents sold at least 26 homes
780 agents sold at least 12 homes
9849 agents sold at least 1 home
16 agents sold at least 52 homes
120 agents sold at least 26 homes
668 agents sold at least 12 homes
9539 agents sold at least 1 home
34 agents sold at least 52 homes
155 agents sold at least 26 homes
823 agents sold at least 12 homes
10702 agents sold at least 1 home
Yes, almost always!
A top agent sells/buys more real estate than other agents. This is equivalent to a report card. A real estate agent's goal is to buy or sell a home for you. A top real estate agent completes more sales. The top agent is better. As a number 1 top real estate agent, about 70% of my business is a second or third sale, for one of my previous clients. My clients were very pleased and asked me to help them again.
Solving problems so that the home sale can complete is not taught in schools or books. Being skillful at solving problems comes from experience and creativity. A top agent has more of both. Although negotiation skills can be improved by studies, experience and reputation are key to negotiating. A top agent has more of both.
The skills of preparing and marketing your home for sale can be improved by studies. Better results are also attained by getting help from specialists. A top agent has more connections and can get the help of better specialists. A top agent has more recent experience and knows what is favored and effective. A top agent can reach out to more real estate agents, potential buyers, and people to create a positive buzz of comments about your property. A top agent isn't a one person company, she is a skilled experienced agent with an experienced team helping her.