Silicon Valley Real Estate | JLee Realty
This map provides an easy way to see recent home sales in any desired area. Decide whether you want to see cities or zip codes and click on a button to show the desired area labels. Click on any area label to jump to that area's recent home sales. (There are over 80 zip codes, the map is a little slow to show the zip code labels)
Clicking the "Zip Codes" button above the map will give a map display of zip codes. Alternatively visit the zip code index table to find links to the most recent real estate sales or to find links to zip code real estate trends.
There are two different things to look at to get an understanding of home values: 1) recent sales, 2) real estate trends.
By looking at recent home sales you can judge the current attitudes of home buyers. By looking at real estate trends you can see how attitudes have shaped homes sales in the past and how they might be changing.