Here are some helpful "For Sale By Owner" hints
- Know the listing price and the actual selling price of homes in your area.
- Advertise your home in as many places as possible.
- Have your various inspections done and the results available for potential buyers.
- Have your seller's disclosure prepared and available for potential buyers. If a problem is disclosed, neither the buyer nor the buyer's agent
can come back later and renogitiate the offered price by demanding that you pay for the already disclosed problem.
- Create a web site displaying numerous high quality photos and making all of the inspection reports and seller's disclosure available.
- Keep a constant supply of fact sheets available which inform potential buyers where they can find more detailed information.
- Be available by phone for the whole time your home is for sale. Be prepared to provide information over the telephone and to call
back with answers you can't provide when you are first called. Prompt answers can be critical.
- Be reachable by email for the whole time your home is for sale. Reply promptly. Check your spam filters to make sure potential
buyers are able to reach you. Make sure your anti-virus software is up to date.
- Make sure that an adult with a key is always available to show your home to prospective buyers.
- When you host an open house place as many signs leading to your home as possible. Be sure the sign has enough information
available that a prospective buyer can reach you. Answer your phone while hosting the open house.
- Know as much as possible about the competing homes for sale. Potential buyers will be well informed and will "play" the strengths
of those homes against the weaknesses of your home while negotiating the sales price.
- Make sure realtors know your house is for sale so they can bring their customers. Be prepared to pay them their standard buyer's
commission and don't expect them to do the seller's tasks. They will be making their best effort to get the best deal for their buyer.
- An escrow account should be opened with a title company so that the sale can be safely completed quickly.
- Be prepared to offer a home protection plan.
- Know what steps have to be taken to close the sale after you accept an offer.
Keep in mind that you will be doing the work of a full time professional real estate agent who probably has a team helping her. Try to learn
what is most important and always keep a positive attitude.
Call Juliana... Start packing!