Atherton has an area of less than 5 square miles and a population of less than 7,000. The town was incorporated in 1923 to keep it strictly residential according to the wishes of its residents. Until the 40's and 50's the town was composed primarily of large estates. The town had no need for parks. The Holbrook-Palmer Park in Atherton was left to the town in 1958.
Click on any of the park names on the map and the page will scroll to display the description of the park.
Click on a picnic table to display the park name.
Hollbrook Palmer Park - Atherton, CA
Hollbrook Palmer Park - Atherton, CA
Hollbrook Palmer Park - Atherton, CA
Circus Club (private) - Atherton, CA
Circus Club (private) - Atherton, CA
Circus Club (private) - Atherton, CA
Circus Club (private) - Atherton, CA