We do from time to time receive contact information from large real estate portals. If you ask a question, many of the real estate portals forward your question to a local real estate agent. If you receive an email from us and don't believe you ever contacted us, this is probably the reason you received an email from us.
We use our computers and websites to inform our clients about real estate including: homes for sale, homes sold, real estate market conditions, and occasional new tax and other real estate laws. We keep all information confidential. We do use other businesses from time to time to send post cards, "paper" mail, and email. They are provided with the addresses we wish to mail to. They are required to keep the information confidential.
When making an offer on a house, financial information is exchanged between the buyer, the seller, the title company, often one or more mortgage companies, and insurance companies. We do not keep customer's financial information on our computers nor do we share it with anyone without our client's permission.
We are required by the California Department of Real Estate to keep records of our clients' real estate transactions. We use a real estate service provider to store these records.
The only client information kept on our computers is contact information, and information about what you are searching for, which is solely used to keep us in contact with our customers. The information is not sold, traded, nor given to anyone for any other use.
We provide the ability to search for homes and receive alerts that a home matching what you are looking for has been offered for sale. This information is stored on the servers of the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) provider we use. We also receive information about your searches so that we can alert you to properties which are not listed on the multiple listing service (MLS) or which we believe would be of special interest to you. Search information is automatically deleted by our IDX provider if you have no activity for a period of approximately 90 days.
Some of our web pages have "Google Analytics" information gathering. The information collected does not identify individual users. We do not collect information about individual users except what they themselves intentionally provide.
If you wish to NOT RECEIVE email from us there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email we send. Click the link and you will be almost immediately unsubscribed. Your email address is retained in the database with a do not send flag. This will keep you from being added to our email list in the future if for instance one of the large real estate portals forwards your request for information to us.
Occasionally the synchronization between the IDX service and the monthly email fails. You may have unsubscribed from the IDX alerts yet still receive a monthly newsletter. Simply click the unsubscribe link on whichever email you receive and you will be unsubscribed. Occasionally people have one of their email addresses forwarded to one of their other accounts. If you phone us or email us asking to be removed please provide the email address which the email was sent to. Clicking the unsubscribe link will almost always work correctly even if you have your email forwarded to a different account.