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City Of San Jose, CA - Schools

San Jose Schools

San Jose School Locator

There are many different school districts operating schools within San Jose City limits. The Santa Clara County Office of Education has a website listing all of the school districts in Santa Clara County. SCCOE district list.

Santa Clara County Office of Education
1290 Ridder Park Drive
San Jose, CA 95131-2304
Phone: (408) 453-6500

The San Jose Unified School District has a student population of about 32,000 students.

San Jose Unified School District
855 Lenzen Avenue
San José, CA 95126

Special Needs

If your child has special needs look into:

  1. Parents Helping Parents
  2. Meetup groups
  3. San Jose Unified School District Special Education Services

San Jose Elementary Schools

San Jose Middle Schools

San Jose High Schools

School Locaters

City of San Jose School Districts - Map

San Jose School Routes

Berryessa Union School District

Cambrian School District - School locator

East Side Union High School District - School Boundaries

Los Gatos Union School District - Attendance boundary map

Fremont Union High School District - Attendance boundary maps