Zip Code 94027 - Atherton, CA
The boundaries of zip code 94027 include the Atherton, CA city limits and some unicorporated areas primarily towards the southwest.
U.S. Census Facts for Zip Code 94027
- Total Population: 7,089
- 2,538 housing units - 90.5% owner occupied
- Median household income: $220,583
- Bachelors degree or higher: 83.8%
- Median age: 47.5
Zip Code 94027 - Home Values
Extensive graphs of zip code 94027 home values for both single family homes and condos can be viewed at my Zip Code 94027 Home Values web page. Recent zip code 94027 home sales can be viewed at my Zip Code 94027 Just Sold web page. Four key values: price, price per sq ft, size, and lot size, for zip code 94027 single family houses are shown in the tabbed windows below.