About San Jose
U.S. Census Facts for San Jose
- Total Population: 945,942
- 319,700 housing units – 58.0% owner occupied
- Median household income: $81,829
- Bachelors degree or higher: 37.4%
- Median age: 35.6
The employers with the most employees in San Jose are: 1) County of Santa Clara, 2) Cisco Systems, 3) City of San Jose, 4) eBay, 5) IBM, 6) U.S. Postal Service, 7) San Jose State University, 8) San Jose Unified School District, 9) Hitachi, 10) Adobe Systems, 11) Good Samaritan Hospital, 12) Kaiser Permanente, 13) Cadence Design Systems, 14) Sanmina-SCI, 15) Maxim Integrated, 16) Brocade Communications, 17) Ericsson, and 18) Xilinx all having over 1,000 employees in San Jose City.
San Jose is one of the first Silicon Valley cities to enact a natural gas ban on new construction.
San Jose Real Estate Trends
San Jose is so large that different areas behave quite differently. The city wide median home price was about $750,000 in 2007. As typical for similarly priced homes the median value has climbed to about $850,000 in 2015.
The San Jose city wide averages show the common strong demand, low supply early in the year slowly dropping towards a balance through the rest of the year (2013, 2014, & 2015).
San Jose Schools
Santa Clara County Office of Education
1290 Ridder Park Drive
San Jose, CA 95131-2304
Phone: (408) 453-6500
The San Jose Unified School District has a student population of about 32,000 students.
San Jose Unified School District
855 Lenzen Avenue
San José, CA 95126