Silicon Valley Real Estate | JLee Realty
The green acres neighborhood, located between the Barron Park Neighborhood and Los Altos has similarities to both. Further from Stanford University, the neighborhood has fewer students. Homes are less individual, fewer older homes, many having been put in by a tract builder. Adobe Creek separates the neighborhood from Los Altos.
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Extensive graphs of Green Acres home values can be viewed on my Green Acres Palo Alto Home Values web page. Recent Palo Alto home sales can be viewed on my Palo Alto Just Sold web page. Three of the four main features considered when buying a home: price, price per sq. ft., and house size for Green Acres are quite similar to Palo Alto city-wide averages. The average lot size is smaller than the city-wide average. Click or mouse over the tabs below to see graphs of these features.
A series of pictures are shown to give you a feeling for the Green Acres neighborhood.